[WIP] Herald-Trainee Lyveana Belmore & Solana

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General Information

Name Lyveana
Nicknames 'Lyv' 'Hellion' & other misc names
Gender Female, She/Her
Age 16
Birth Spring 1406
  • Foresight - Extremely Powerful 100/100
  • Animal Mindspeech - Powerful 99/100
  • Mindspeech - Strong 89/100
  • Empathy - Weak 13/100
Occupation/Rank Herald-Trainee


Eyes Light Green, Sharp
Hair Platinum Blonde, Wavy
Height 5'8" 173 cm
Build Athletic & Curvy

Description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tincidunt maximus neque ut consectetur. Curabitur pharetra ipsum et nibh porttitor, convallis posuere tellus ullamcorper. Maecenas ligula erat, ultrices et arcu ac, euismod sollicitudin tortor. Curabitur iaculis bibendum vestibulum. Proin id gravida dui. Integer eget sagittis lorem, volutpat sodales quam. Morbi sed ultrices massa. Vivamus rutrum sapien tortor, eu lacinia ligula rutrum eget. Praesent molestie ipsum nibh, eget vestibulum nibh dignissim sit amet. Vestibulum pellentesque malesuada dolor id porta. Fusce eros urna, convallis scelerisque volutpat ac, iaculis sed nibh. Aenean ac nisi justo. Etiam ornare purus at elit efficitur fermentum. Praesent facilisis ex suscipit nisi vestibulum, dictum dapibus erat egestas. Proin non lectus in magna bibendum congue id vitae enim. Nunc laoreet laoreet magna, at laoreet ante sagittis quis.


Virtues Fearless, honest, independent, loyal, proud, serious, determined
Flaws Vengeful, impulsive, reactive, defiant, judgmental, mischievous

Description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tincidunt maximus neque ut consectetur. Curabitur pharetra ipsum et nibh porttitor, convallis posuere tellus ullamcorper. Maecenas ligula erat, ultrices et arcu ac, euismod sollicitudin tortor. Curabitur iaculis bibendum vestibulum. Proin id gravida dui. Integer eget sagittis lorem, volutpat sodales quam. Morbi sed ultrices massa. Vivamus rutrum sapien tortor, eu lacinia ligula rutrum eget. Praesent molestie ipsum nibh, eget vestibulum nibh dignissim sit amet. Vestibulum pellentesque malesuada dolor id porta. Fusce eros urna, convallis scelerisque volutpat ac, iaculis sed nibh. Aenean ac nisi justo. Etiam ornare purus at elit efficitur fermentum. Praesent facilisis ex suscipit nisi vestibulum, dictum dapibus erat egestas. Proin non lectus in magna bibendum congue id vitae enim. Nunc laoreet laoreet magna, at laoreet ante sagittis quis.

Vestibulum mollis dapibus ligula vitae condimentum. Pellentesque lectus ipsum, venenatis nec arcu vitae, semper aliquam felis. Nullam a risus lectus. Mauris vitae elit eget magna semper placerat. Sed ultricies viverra justo eu molestie. Fusce enim mi, malesuada et laoreet dignissim, elementum nec velit. Suspendisse eu ipsum blandit, volutpat leo vitae, elementum risus.

Sed fringilla varius dolor dictum consequat. Etiam in velit eros. Integer feugiat risus tellus, sed facilisis ante pulvinar sed. Praesent commodo eleifend tortor, ac convallis dolor interdum et. Vestibulum sit amet neque a elit aliquet feugiat. Sed nunc eros, fringilla ut mollis ac, volutpat ac lectus. Aliquam laoreet elementum massa eu consequat.

Cras feugiat nulla risus, auctor mollis nunc gravida sed. Integer vitae lacus felis. Nulla non sapien eros. Proin vitae urna mi. Quisque volutpat vulputate condimentum. Morbi vulputate nibh in suscipit venenatis. Etiam sodales, ligula eget congue sodales, sem sapien tristique lorem, sit amet pulvinar nisi ex ut enim. Nam non dignissim felis, non mattis lacus. Nam quis enim quis diam molestie finibus eget ac odio. Curabitur accumsan leo eu ligula blandit aliquam.

Family & History

Parents Lord Lynden Belmore and Lady Rivana Farwynd-Belmore
Siblings Rayden Belmore, Colrin Belmore, Tobin Belmore, Weslar Belmore, Kartis Belmore
Noble Family Belmores of Boarsden
Description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tincidunt maximus neque ut consectetur. Curabitur pharetra ipsum et nibh porttitor, convallis posuere tellus ullamcorper. Maecenas ligula erat, ultrices et arcu ac, euismod sollicitudin tortor. Curabitur iaculis bibendum vestibulum. Proin id gravida dui. Integer eget sagittis lorem, volutpat sodales quam. Morbi sed ultrices massa. Vivamus rutrum sapien tortor, eu lacinia ligula rutrum eget. Praesent molestie ipsum nibh, eget vestibulum nibh dignissim sit amet. Vestibulum pellentesque malesuada dolor id porta. Fusce eros urna, convallis scelerisque volutpat ac, iaculis sed nibh. Aenean ac nisi justo. Etiam ornare purus at elit efficitur fermentum. Praesent facilisis ex suscipit nisi vestibulum, dictum dapibus erat egestas. Proin non lectus in magna bibendum congue id vitae enim. Nunc laoreet laoreet magna, at laoreet ante sagittis quis.

Vestibulum mollis dapibus ligula vitae condimentum. Pellentesque lectus ipsum, venenatis nec arcu vitae, semper aliquam felis. Nullam a risus lectus. Mauris vitae elit eget magna semper placerat. Sed ultricies viverra justo eu molestie. Fusce enim mi, malesuada et laoreet dignissim, elementum nec velit. Suspendisse eu ipsum blandit, volutpat leo vitae, elementum risus.

Sed fringilla varius dolor dictum consequat. Etiam in velit eros. Integer feugiat risus tellus, sed facilisis ante pulvinar sed. Praesent commodo eleifend tortor, ac convallis dolor interdum et. Vestibulum sit amet neque a elit aliquet feugiat. Sed nunc eros, fringilla ut mollis ac, volutpat ac lectus. Aliquam laoreet elementum massa eu consequat.

Cras feugiat nulla risus, auctor mollis nunc gravida sed. Integer vitae lacus felis. Nulla non sapien eros. Proin vitae urna mi. Quisque volutpat vulputate condimentum. Morbi vulputate nibh in suscipit venenatis. Etiam sodales, ligula eget congue sodales, sem sapien tristique lorem, sit amet pulvinar nisi ex ut enim. Nam non dignissim felis, non mattis lacus. Nam quis enim quis diam molestie finibus eget ac odio. Curabitur accumsan leo eu ligula blandit aliquam.


Likes Good food, riding her companion, napping on Aidan's rug, pissing off Nobles
Dislikes Nobles, mathematics, blood mages, arrogant jerks, most men
Talents & Skills
  • Archery
  • Reconnaissance
  • Ice Skating
  • Equitation
  • Boggle Eradication
  • Drawing
  • Hunting
  • Dancing
  • Orienteering



General Information

Name Solana
Nicknames La, Lana
Species Companion
Age 8
Height 16.3hh
  1. Average Mindspeech (50/100)
  2. Average Gift of Tongues (50/100)
Physical Description Tall and statuesque, Solana appears as one might imagine a statue of a Companion should be; from her finely chiseled head to her powerful shoulders and hindquarters. She finds most physical tasks a simple matter, and handles neatly beneath the expert seat and hands of her chosen Herald. She's got the long legs suited for the courier's lifestyle, but her keen intellect and quiet nature keeps her fellows from trying to steer her towards it.

Pros: Compassionate, self-assured, gentle, thoughtful
Cons: Arrogant, aloof, proud, cold when angry

Elegant and precise from the moment of her birth, Solana leaks aristocracy from every pore. She has a subtle pride about her, a cloak of dignity that not even the deepest or darkest moments can lift. The passing of the times are marked with calm violet eyes, perhaps even a poetic phrase when the mood strikes her, and it can be said that she truly believes the phrase 'life in every breath.' Nature is a wonder to this young mare, and she particularly enjoys relaxing with her chosen out on the vast prairies of the southern border, watching the clouds drift overhead. Life is in the little moments, she is wont to say, and what kind of worldly Lady would she be, if she did not explore the wonders of Velgarth thoroughly?

She is not reckless, however, and far more prone to caution then uncultured abandon. She will not be a ruffian, thank you kindly, but she will certainly take the route with the wind at her back when it suits her. Her chosen may at times be pressed to encourage her to stretch her neck out a little more, dig a little deeper inside to tap that reservoir of instinct and really reach for the stars.

In her dealings with other companions, Solana is calm and collected, preferring silent observation over needless chatter. She does enjoy conversation, and is quite capable of conversing with her fellows on a wide variety of subjects, but she does not seek out these moments. Quiet most times, if compared to a human she would be 'that girl' the back who quietly watches her fellow classmates from behind the veil of her philosophy book. Intelligent, but not outgoing, she lets the world carry on its way unless she feels a judicious application of effort might be to the benefit of herself and her fellows. She can be surprising when engaged in conversation for the first time, as she is hardly shy, and leaders will find her to be quite dependable in a pinch. She is big for a mare, trumping even some of the hardier stallions for strength and endurance, but she doesn't let this get to her head. She is a Lady, not a behemoth, and it is a rare day indeed for Solana to throw her physical weight around. That said, it is an even rarer day for her to back down from any altercation where she, or her chosen, are being assaulted. When provoked, Solana does not get angry. No, when provoked, this mare simply draws that inherent pride in herself and her fellows around her, and goes on the intellectual offensive.

When indulging in down time, warm company is as valued as pleasant discourse, and in this Solana is not that different from other companions her age. She can often be found cuddled beside a friend, male or female, and has a particular preference for stallions with the sort of calm, confident demeanor that tend to choose the exact opposite sort of herald Lyveana would like to associate with. When asked about it, Solana simply responds that the male in question is her 'type,' whatever that may be. What is clear, however, is the sharp distinction she has for 'friends' and 'potential consorts,' a line her herald appreciates since one of Solana's best male friends chose a stoic young man that would become one of Lyveana's few close friends.
Last edited by Celeanor on Sat Sep 17, 2022 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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